Do you have someone on your staff who can handle most IT-related issues for your business? If not, we’re sure your organization feels it in more ways than one. The issues that come from not having IT help are only made more frustrating when it comes time to find IT help—particularly if you’re committed to getting a technician on-premises.
Technology has never been more commonplace than it is today, which creates all sorts of problems with finding qualified help.
When it comes to something as important as IT, your business doesn’t want just anyone. It wants a professional who can keep up with the latest technology trends in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. But more than anything, you want an IT technician who knows and understands the technology you work with on a daily basis, as well as one who can help your team make the most out of it too.
Naturally, this leads to the most qualified candidates becoming highly sought after, which leads to the next issue.
We won’t sugarcoat it; IT technicians are expensive.
If you’re looking to hire an in-house CIO, you can expect to pay a pretty penny. While you might not be paying their salary during the talent search process, you are paying for job listings, time to review resumes and cover letters, time spent in interviews and on search committees, meetings to discuss salaries, compensation, and benefits, and so on. It all adds up quickly, and if you can’t pay a candidate what they’re worth—both in salary and in great workplace perks—it’s unlikely they will go with your company… at least, not when there are other options out there who can compensate them more in line with their expertise.
Of course, the entire time you’re without IT help, your business is like a ticking time bomb, counting down to a disaster that may or may not occur.
To be quite frank with you, your business doesn’t have the luxury of waiting around until the perfect candidate walks through your doors.
Finding the right candidate takes time—time your business doesn’t have. Consider the typical hiring process, where you post a listing and filter through unqualified candidate after unqualified candidate, then bring a handful to your office for interviews. It could be months before you get someone in the door, and by then, your entire technological situation could have changed.
That’s just how fast things move in IT; you want to hire an IT professional who can do the job, get situated quickly, and who will stick around long-term.
If you’d rather not pursue hiring externally for IT help, you can always outsource the responsibility to BSGtech. We’ve got more than enough expertise to help with pretty much anything your business needs, and you can count on us to both get right to work and stick around for the long haul. To learn more, call us at (866) 546-1004 today.